
Bence, Eman, Jana and Wael come from Hungary, Northern Macedonia, Syria and Egypt. They left their home countries for different reasons and now live and work on Sylt. They are happy in their jobs and grateful for the opportunities they have on the island. Sylt has become a home for them with a secure job. In the video, the four Sylt residents talk about their everyday life on Sylt.

Why Sylt?

Sylt is a beautiful island in the north of Germany where many people go on holiday. There are long sandy beaches and great nature, good restaurants, sports facilities and offers for families. Workers are urgently needed in all sectors and there are many vacancies even for people who cannot speak fluent German. With good performance, there is also the possibility of promotion, especially in hotels and restaurants. Companies on Sylt hire seasonal staff from April to October, but they are also looking for permanent staff who can be hired all year round. They also help with finding accommodation or provide staff rooms. 


Twelve places, each possessing a distinctive character.

Getting there

There are many options to get to Sylt - by car, train, ship or plane.


From A for angling to W for watersport – Sylt is always on the go.


Find out about the highlights of the year.

Is it possible to live permanently on Sylt?

Most people know that the housing situation on Sylt is not easy. There have often been reports about the housing shortage on the island throughout Germany. The good news is that something is happening! Not only are the Sylt municipalities building more and more flats for islanders, but Sylt businesses are also actively helping in the search for housing. In many cases, they provide a room in a shared flat or even an entire flat, both fully equipped or with space for your own furniture. It's best to bring up the subject directly at the job interview. Even if not everyone can imagine living in a shared flat, it is a great way to quickly make friends on the island. Looking for a place to live is more relaxed anyway with a temporary place to stay on site. Of course, you have to make a few compromises, especially in terms of space, but Sylt's nature with its kilometres of sandy beach is practically in your front garden.

© Laura Müller

Our tip:

Translate job search

In the job search on jobs.sylt.de, you can automatically translate the job ads by clicking on the German flag. The following languages are available:

  • German
  • English
  • Polish
  • Danish
  • Ukrainian
  • Turkish
  • Afrikaans
  • French

Apprenticeships on Sylt

There is a wide range of different apprenticeships on Sylt. A large number of them are in the tourism sector, but crafts are also strongly represented. To be sure which of the many apprenticeships is the most suitable, it is a good idea to have a trial day or do an internship beforehand. This way you can see in "real life" whether the field really suits you. The most important thing is that the job content is really fun and matches your interests and strengths. 

© Laura Müller

industries on Sylt

These Sylt industries are looking for job applicants.

  • Craft
    Auf Sylt im Handwerk arbeiten © Roman Matejov

    Even though the island, with its roughly one hundred square kilometres of living space, may seem rather small, there are many different crafts present. From thatching to carpentry, hairdressing and baking to electrical engineering, the list is long.

  • Hotels
    Arbeiten auf Sylt © TASH/Roman Matejov

    The accommodations on the island of Sylt are as varied as the demand from guests themselves. The hotel industry accounts for a not inconsiderable proportion of this. From friendly family-run establishments with personal service to exclusive 5-star luxury hotels, the island's repertoire effortlessly covers the needs and wishes of Sylt fans and at the same time offers extensive career opportunities for those interested in the hotel industry.

  • Retail
    Auf Sylt im Einzelhandel arbeiten © Roman Matejov

    As diverse as the Sylt public may be, the spectrum of retail on Sylt is equally broad. Exclusive boutiques are just as present as sporty and casual shops. But it is not only in terms of fashion that the island has a lot to offer. Bookshops, cosmetics shops, drugstores, furniture stores, pharmacies, toy and grocery shops and many more characterise the island's retail sector. Among them are numerous companies that train and are also interested in the further training of their employees. Jobs in this sector are sometimes offered on a seasonal and long-term basis.

  • Gastronomy
    Auf Sylt in der Gastronomie arbeiten © Roman Matejov

    Sylt is known and loved far beyond the island as a culinary Mecca. From the beach bistro to the cosy bar to the exclusive restaurant: there are continuously various job offers in the more than 200 gastronomic establishments on Sylt, which are happy to receive applications.

  • Education
    Hauke im Klassenzimmer © Tom Tautz

    The largest educational institution on the island is the Sylt School Centre with a secondary school and a community school section. Four primary schools, a Danish school and a vocational school round off the educational offer on the island. But of course there is also something for the little ones: a total of 10 day-care centres, kindergartens and cribs lovingly look after the island's children.

  • Tourism
    Rettungsschwimmer in Kampen © SMG/Michael Reidinger

    With the steady growth of tourism on Sylt, the need for seasonal workers in the industries has developed continuously. Know-how, staff and help are sought in all areas for the season. The Sylt season lasts roughly from Easter up to and including the autumn holidays. Flats and staff accommodation are sometimes provided by the bosses. This makes arriving on Sylt much easier. Experience shows, however, that a season often turns into a long-lasting island life.

  • Health care
    Auf Sylt im Pflegedienst arbeiten © Roman Matejov

    The topics of health and recreation are deeply anchored in the heart of the island's philosophy. The core area of the health sector, traditional health care, is also vital on Sylt. Medical practices with different specialisations as well as the Asklepios Clinic form the island's health care network.

Frequently asked questions

FAQs about working and living on Sylt

How do I find living space on Sylt?

Often the employer is an important contact person. Many companies provide their employees with flats, interim solutions or help with the search.

Some helpful institutions and Facebook groups are:

Where can I register?

You can register via the municipality of Sylt - island administration and make an appointment online or by telephone in advance. Photos can be taken on site.

Bahnweg 20-22
25980 Westerland

Telephone: 04651 85 10 (switchboard, no information on content)
E-mail: info@gemeinde-sylt.de

Where can I re-register my car?

Niebüll (mainland):
Here you can book a personal on-site appointment at the registration office in Niebüll. Please note the instructions on the booking page.

Online appointment:

Westerland (Sylt)
It is possible to re-register your car at the citizens' service of the municipality of Westerland, provided it is a change of address within the district of Nordfriesland.

Are there schools on Sylt?

On Sylt there are 3 primary schools, a community school, a grammar school and the Danes have a school from grade 1 to 8.

There are school social workers at the schools who you can contact if things go wrong.

The primary and secondary schools offer lunch and afternoon care.

The Sylt DAZ centre for children who do not yet have a sufficient command of German to participate in regular classes is located at the St. Nicolai School in Westerland. (DAZ= German as a Second Language)

Further information: https://www.familienzentrum-sylt.de/schulen/

What rights do I have as an employee?
Where can I get help regarding working and living conditions?

Further tips

Advice for foreign employees

Personal and multilingual advisors on the topics of labour law, working conditions, ...

Living in Germany

Tips on education, work, family and everyday life in Germany in many languages

Practise German

Learn German with films, games and exercises

Make it in Germany

Working in Germany: The official website for qualified professionals

Personal advice

Start your island life!

Living and working on Sylt? We advise you on your start on the island. What vacancies are there? How is the housing situation on the island? What do you have to consider when living on an island? Simply make an appointment for a personal consultation with Ambroise. The consultation can also be carried out in the languages EWE and MINA.

No questions? Then apply directly via our job exchange! The job offers can be displayed there in 6 languages.

© Axel Steinbach


Pomagamy Ci w nowym starcie na Sylcie. Umów się na osobistą i bezpłatną konsultację już teraz.
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